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Joe Biden is a Perfectly Healthy Black Woman Who Will Beat Trump in 2020!

Imagine the cognitive dissonance that the average liberal must be going through right now. Every night for the past four years, the media has poured them a glass of warm milk and delivered it to their bedside with a pat on the head.

Jake Tapper and Rachel Maddow reassuringly tell them that the conservative conspiracy kooks are lying and pushing cheap fakes about Joe Biden. “Shhh! There, there. Joe is fine.”

But now they’ve come to find out that Jake and Rachel and all the other MSM talking heads have been lying to them the whole time. Joe is NOT fine. It must be like finding out that Santa Claus isn’t real.

Biden’s team granted Philadelphia radio station WURD the first post-debate interview with him, following that catastrophe of a debate against President Trump. It was a doozy. Joe Biden reassured the listeners that his physical health is just fine.

“It’s just my brain,” he actually said out loud.

He also declared himself to be a black woman. This was new information for many of us.

Actual quote:

“I’m proud to be, as I said, the first Vice President, the first black woman to serve with a black President.”

Come again?


Biden clarified in an interview with George Stephanopoulos on ABC News, that he can’t be replaced because he is the only candidate who can defeat Donald Trump in 2020. So, this is going great!

Andrea Lawful-Sanders, the black radio host who interviewed Biden for WURD, told CNN that the White House sent her a list of eight questions to ask Joe in the interview. Even though Biden knew which questions were coming, he still whiffed the interview.

In a fit of rage that is common with Democrat political campaigns, Biden’s team had Ms. Lawful-Sanders fired to send a message to the rest of the media.

I’m not sure how long Joe Biden has been identifying as a black woman, but that doesn’t seem like very much solidarity with the rest of the black ladies out there. Sheesh!

After he met with Joe Biden in March, MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough declared, “F*** you if you can’t handle the truth. This version of Biden, intellectually, analytically, is the best Biden ever. Not a close second. And I’ve known him for years. If it weren’t the truth, I wouldn’t say it.”

Sorry to break it to you, liberal kids, but the Tooth Fairy is YOUR MOM!

Things should get intense this week as Congress is back in session and the donors are putting pressure on Nancy Pelosi to get Biden to drop out of the presidential race.

We’ll see whether the Democrats end up circling the wagons to keep Biden in the race. Thus far, President Biden has been defiant that he will not drop out. The only viable option for getting rid of him is the 25th Amendment, which would result in either Kamala Harris becoming the nominee, or losing to some other liberal cutthroat at the convention in August.

One thing that hasn’t happened yet, which is kind of surprising, is that no rightwing law firm has sued the federal government to invalidate every single thing that Joe Biden has done. The man is clearly mentally incompetent. If he were a private citizen, Biden wouldn’t be allowed to legally own a firearm or manage his own checkbook.

Elder law clearly states that if a person doesn’t have the mental capacity to understand a contract or a legal document, they cannot sign it and have it be legally binding. Every bill that Joe Biden has signed into law and every executive order that he’s put his signature on is invalid. He’s a walking vegetable.

Look for America First Legal, Judicial Watch, or some other organization to start filing lawsuits along this line very soon. This might lead to a constitutional crisis, but would it be any worse than what Biden has already done to the country?

We already know that Joe Biden is illegitimate due to the 2020 election being stolen. But every legal document that he’s signed his name to is also illegitimate and should be overturned. He’s non compos mentis.

President Trump has been remarkably quiet through all of this, other than a couple of brief messages on Truth Social. He knows better than to interrupt an enemy when they’re publicly disemboweling themselves.

One nice thing about all of this is that even more people are coming to the realization that the mainstream media is filled with liars, and all of us conspiracy kooks over here on the right are telling the truth.

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14 thoughts on “Joe Biden is a Perfectly Healthy Black Woman Who Will Beat Trump in 2020!”

  1. Unbelievable. How could anyone in their right mind condone what this man and the Democrats have done to this country and the ASmerican people?

    1. The media is also the blame because they will not criticize any dumb stuff he does

    2. Democrats continue to support there party because of the so-call free stuff and the bashing of any and all Republicans. Republicans are bad,, their rich, they don’t pay enough taxes, they have what is owed to Democrats. Democrats are adamant that they demand and deserve their share.

    3. Sure stolen 15 TRILLION DOLARS. No one even knows where it went. They’re all acting like their gods above us . Instead of working for us. Democrats are truly demonic monsters greedy , they will steal every penny they could. Then blame some else.

      1. The reason all Americans MUST vote for Trump in. November. We HAVE to get bozo out of office. !!!!

    4. An illegitimate President with Alzheimer’s, turning our country into a Communist cesspool, lacking the mental capacity to legally sign documents with lazy cowards sitting idle just pissing and moaning.
      Cowardly, Spineless Republicans thinly in control of the House and a Senate packed full of RINO’S.
      What more could go wrong?

  2. The spray tan disoriented him and after “Dr.” Jim lent him her dress, he actually believed what he later said.

    Kids will be kids.

  3. Really, A black female what kind of damn fool, that just proves he is a nut.
    I apologize to the females out there black, white, doesn’t matter tater head is a damn fool

  4. Pull back and throw out everything he’s done since taking office, and while they’re at it, they can admit the 2020 and 1/2021 election fraud and buying up the cover up.
    The guy has been incompetent from the even the campaign days. Remember Jim at a small (20-30) gathering of supporters in 2020. He leaned over a few women to whisper or sniff or both snd then started arguing with a man there and challenged him to a fight outside. He was angry and belligerent to the man WHO WAS ONE OF HIS SUPPORTERS. Biden almost got clocked in a diner by two guys as they saw him sit down next to a woman with the two and sat there putting his nose to work rubbing behind her ear as rhey watched. They looked angry. Made me angry and disgusted. Then in the first year of his presidency,, national news (shown internationally) showed Jolly Biden at a desk on AIR FORCE ONE, going through large bound stacks of paper and writing away S she, per the news, “prepared for the G7 Conference” of international leaders AS JOE WAS SLEEPING, they added. Thst was June, 2021.
    He’s never been as he should have been; things just haven’t been “right” about this guy. Rubbing his hand on the thigh of the 20 yr old sister of the Marine killed at bombing at Kabul Airport, Afghanistan, and not stopping as she kept moving her leg away as he rubbed her while “consoling” the Marine’s family. She had to stand and walk out to get him to leave her alone and her angry father told him he was NOT invited to the funeral a day would be KEPT OUT of the church if he showed up.
    What kind of father molests his young daughter… ..and the MOTHER…allows it? Joe did and Jilly let him keep doing it. Joe took sons Beau and Hunter to vacant, listed mansions while he was SENATOR and showed them how to BREAK INTO THEM. NOT NORMAL AT ALL. Both Hunter and daughter Ashley became drug and alcohol addicts in HIGH SCHOOL plus hyersexualized “at a very young age” in elementary and middle school ages. NOT NORMAL. And Jilly let it happen, possibly even a part of it. I truly think both Ashley and Hunter left the diary and the laptops to be used to get the story of their real lives out there; the things that git their lives so incredibly screwed up. Hunter spent a fortune on lawyers trying to avoid paying child support for a 4 yr old daughter in Arkansas and Jilly and Joe refused to acknowledge her existence until they finally did for about 10 minutes last year, under news pressure.
    Yes, pull everything down that he’s signed. Put Trump’s effective border policies back in place. Encourage Jilly not to go up to Kamala’s husband at a public event and proceed to lip lock on the guy like she’s used superglue lipstick.. ..disgusting. and photos put out of the two coming out of the gym where they work out together most days? This is an incredibly abnormal family and I have felt disgust for this pair for a long time, including during his Senate days and her time teaching at a Junior College. She even botched a Christmas special she did with a country music star, making holiday cookies. The star had to show her how to STIR COOKIE DOUGH, and she plainly had insisted the WH CHEF and the WH BAKER call her DOCTOR JILL constantly. One was black and one was Asian, and she wasn’t nice to either one.
    So she can’t figure out how to stir a bowl of cookie dough but feels she can be the SHADOW PRESIDENT with Obama help and run AMERICA. Yes, right into the ground.

  5. This is sad. His wife and son should put a stop to this.
    On the other hand Joe would be great as a stand up comic.

  6. Wonder how many dumbed down Americans he convinced that he was a black woman ? His soul is black as soot ! Here is a small list of those the democrats use !
    I am sure it’s all those who are stealing from our treasury and those who now use litter boxes and those who can’t decide what their personal is really for . How many of these kind sit over every agency that has any authority over Americans. Look
    At the white ugly man that wears as dress over the HHS . And the wussies who are called military leaders. And those who cut it all off . Those plus the lazy protesting idiots who attend colleges and universities That learn nothing but dropping their drawers and killing the outcome and protesting to kill and destroy those they want to pay them to be morons. And lets not forget the Group that thinks white people owe them the world Well if anybody gets taken care of . It should be the Indians as they belong here not those that refer to themselves as African Or illegals At least White people died getting rid of the only kids no we ever had. No people of color did that . In all honesty since then it’s taken all Americans no matter their color to fight to keep the freedoms our white ancestors died for.
    Now ! These people relate to another country while enjoying the freedoms white people died getting. While the African government sold their ancestors . Get your reparations from Africa .
    I for one am tired. Being American is not about your color. And serving in our chambers is not about you giving to any one group over another You are not sitting in California where all of their government positions were given to illegals You are sitting in the chambers of Legal Americans no matter their color. And idiot politicians that sit in our chambers take care of and give to millions of illegals who are not American citizens. I guess all of you forgot the black woman they had as guest speaker at their last DNC convention The half Black illegal pardoned her. She deliberately tortured a man for 16 days with everything she could then ripped his testicles off with a set of pliers. That murdered him
    Since she killed the wrong guy Obama let her out And she became famous like the Fentanyl Loaded breaking no the law George Floyd. So as evil as those are this moron and democrats are their cheerleaders and those they lift up for the world to praise.

  7. I can’t confirm that Joe Biden is a healthy Black woman but, I can confirm that he’s a composted black turd ready for recycling…..He’s full of Bullshit…………..

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