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Campaign Shakeup as Broke RFK, Jr. Mulls Dropping Out of the Race Due to Democrat Party Sabotage

Many of us didn’t see this coming. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is now expected to drop out of the 2024 presidential election on Friday and throw his support behind President Donald Trump. In exchange, Kennedy is hoping that Trump will offer him a position in the upcoming administration.

I hate that idea. I hate it a lot. Kennedy has too many obvious ties to the intelligence community and I want him to be kept as far away from a second Trump administration as possible. On the flip side, America will be destroyed within two years of a Kamala Harris presidency, so… I guess I’m open to it.

The RFK, Jr. campaign is in big financial trouble right now. They have $3.9 million in cash on hand and owe about $3.5 million in unpaid debts. The campaign spent $7 million in July, mostly on legal fees.

The DNC has launched lawsuits in all 50 states to try to kick Kennedy off the ballot. They succeeded in kicking him off the ballot in New York last week, so there’s no longer any scenario in which he becomes president.

The campaign only raised $5.6 million in July (compared to $7 million spent). Half of that money came out of the deep pockets of RFK’s running mate, Nicole Shanahan.


During a podcast on Tuesday, Shanahan made it clear that the doomed campaign only has two options left. RFK, Jr. can try to stay in the race and play spoiler, but that runs the risk of a Kamala Harris presidency since they are pulling more votes away from Trump than Kamala. The other option is to drop out and throw their support behind Donald Trump.

Shanahan attributes their campaign’s inability to get off the ground more to the DNC’s lawfare as well as sabotage. “They have banned us, shadow-banned us, kept off stages, used lawfare against us, sued us in every possible state, they even planted insiders into our campaign.”

Shanahan accused the Democratic Party of planting people inside their campaign to sabotage them from the inside out. Saying these spies “created actual legal issues for us.”

Trump sounded sort of open to the idea of giving RFK, Jr. a position within his administration when asked about it. He told a reporter:

“You’re asking me a very unusual question. I haven’t been asked that question yet. I like him a lot. I respect him a lot. I probably would if something like that would happen.”

Then again, “I probably would” is a lot different answer than an outright “Yes.”

If he does choose Kennedy, maybe he could shuffle him off to the side somewhere, running the NIH or the FDA. He couldn’t do much to sabotage Trump’s economic agenda from there.

As for Kamala Harris, we’re not exaggerating when we say she could destroy the country. She wants to impose a 25% tax on unrealized capital gains in her first year in office. They have a nickname for this in the Biden-Harris administration right now. They call it “the white tax.” Within two years of a tax like this being imposed, home ownership would cease to exist in America, except for the ultra-wealthy. The once-great American middle class would be finally gone.

Suppose you bought your house for $200,000 and paid it off over a 30-year fixed mortgage. The whole time that you were paying off your home, the government has been running the money spigot. This inflates the value of assets by devaluing the currency.

Your house might even be paid off, and today it’s valued at $600,000 because of inflationary government policies. You have $400,000 in unrealized capital gains. You don’t have $400,000 sewn into your mattress that you can access. The increase is unrealized, so it technically doesn’t even exist unless you sell the house at that inflated price.

Your 25% tax on that unrealized gain would be $100,000 after Kamala Harris’s first year in office. The IRS will not accept an unrealized check for $100,000. They’ll expect a real check for $100,000. You might even pay it the first year, if you have the means, out of fear of losing your house.

It’s not a one-time tax. You’ll owe the government $100,000 during Kamala’s second year in office, and third year, and so on. How many of the 85 million homeowners in America will be willing to pay an enormous tax every year just for the privilege of keeping their house?

The stakes in this election could not possibly be any higher. If RFK wants to drop out and throw his support behind Trump, we should probably grudgingly accept that. The alternative of a Kamala Harris presidency is unthinkable for our country.

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