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Red States Get Serious About Kicking Illegal Aliens and Their Kids Out

The Tennessee legislature went into emergency recess last week when illegal alien-loving Democrats staged an insurrection and took over the building. Republicans advanced a bill that would let public schools refuse to enroll illegal alien children.

Meanwhile, the roads all across America are becoming safer because Arkansas has decided to start arresting illegal alien truck drivers who don’t speak English.

Measures like what TN and AR are doing will ultimately help President Donald Trump’s mass deportation effort succeed. America will be safe once again!

The Biden regime lured hordes of illegal aliens into America with promises of cradle-to-grave welfare for all. They sent the message out around the world: Violate the sanctity of our nation’s borders, and you will be rewarded with a free Obamaphone, cash to pay your rent, free schooling for your kids, free healthcare, free dry cleaning, and a free laptop to watch all the porn you want. Who could resist an offer like that?

Indeed, much of the disease infested, low-skill people from Third World countries took Joe Biden up on that offer. The incentives brought them in and now we need to do everything we can to iradicate the ones who have not come here with good, profit-minded intentions. That’s what the legislatures in some red states are finally starting to do.

In Tennessee, the House K-12 Subcommittee advanced a bill last week that allows schools to refuse enrollment to illegal alien children. Public schools in Tennessee have been overwhelmed by Joe Biden’s hordes of illegal aliens. They gobble up public resources and force school districts to have to hire translators from Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Paraguay, Eritrea, Kazakhstan, Tuvalu and Barbuda…just so their tax-free children can go to our kids schools. They steal money and educational opportunities from American kids and cause our children to receive a poorer level of instruction just so we can pay a translator to help 1-2 children from Palau understand English instruction by a teacher in rural Pennsylvania.

Democrats pitched a violent fit when the bill was passed in the subcommittee:

We sincerely hope that these insurrectionists are arrested and held without trial for several years.

Meanwhile, Arkansas has finally gotten serious about the scourge of illegal alien truck drivers killing motorists along I-40. This is a scandal that has FINALLY been getting more attention this year. This has been one of the deadliest roadways in America since Biden took office. Several non-profits have been helping illegal aliens obtain CDL licenses to drive big rigs. They’ve been undercutting the wages of American truckers for years. Oh, and they don’t know how to drive trucks after they get their CDL because they don’t understand English or care about American laws.

This past weekend, a drunk illegal alien truck driver named Solomun Waldekeal-Araya caused a 17-car pileup on I-35 in Austin, TX. Five people were killed and 17 were rushed to the emergency room with serious injuries. Waldekeal-Araya has been charged with intoxication manslaughter and a bunch of additional charges. He was driving a big rig for Amazon.

During a snowstorm in Nebraska last month, there were 207 crashes involving big rigs on the freeways. State police say that in 193 of those crashes, the drivers were unable to speak English. Who could have guessed that illiterate Central American tropical jungle peasants don’t know how to safely drive a 40-ton vehicle in the snow?

So, a new law just went into effect in Arkansas that is cracking down on this deadly scourge. When truckers pull over at weigh stations, they’re given a piece of paper with a random phrase in English. If they can’t read it, they’re arrested on the spot and assessed a $5,000 fine. It’s a federal law that you have to be able to read and write English to obtain a CDL, but at this poinst Arkansas appears to be the only state enforcing this.

The owner of a trucking company that hires an illegal alien driver is also assessed a $10,000 fine. If they cannot pay the fine immediately, they get arrested as well.

This is how America is going to win this battle. Red states have to disincentivize illegal immigration as much as possible. If they can’t get a job, enroll their kids in school, or clog up our emergency rooms with “free” healthcare, they’ll self-deport in huge numbers.

Or they’ll move to blue states and bankrupt them to the point where even California and Connecticut will eventually start kicking them out.

The whole point of the mass invasion was to flip red states to blue states in presidential elections. If red states finally start protecting their citizens by making life miserable for the invaders, they’ll leave. Arkansas and Tennessee are leading the way on this. Hopefully, other red states will jump on board and start doing the same to protect their citizens. Its an ingenious way for red states to protect their residents!


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