Joe Biden is finally headed to the US-Mexico border this coming week! Well… not exactly. He’s going to fly over it in an airplane though, while stubbornly not looking out the window at the disaster he’s caused.
Biden is headed to Mexico to try to make your life worse in 2023, in a meeting with Justin Trudeau of Canada and Andres Manuel Lopez-Obrador (AMLO) of Mexico. While Biden – who says he’s running for president in 2024 – is working to mess the country up even further, former President Donald J. Trump has unveiled an epic plan to fix our southern border and many of the adjacent problems that Team Biden has deliberately caused.
Joe Biden is headed to Mexico next week for the North American Summit, a globalist meeting between the US, Canada and Mexico that is designed to make all Americans poorer. We can already tell you how the meeting is going to go.
First, Joe Biden will thank AMLO for helping to keep the US-Mexico border secure. Trudeau will pick his nose for this part of the meeting. AMLO will get a confused look on his face, because he knows he’s been sending every lunatic, murderer and child molester on the planet across the border to destabilize our country. But then he’ll nod along.
Next, Trudeau and Biden will beg AMLO to go along with the World Economic Forum’s Build Back Better global warming program. (What, you didn’t think that Joe Biden came up with that plan as his own campaign, did you? Build Back Better is literally the anti-fossil fuel energy crippling plan created by Klaus Schwab and his evil minions.)
AMLO will then do what all world leaders do when it comes to Joe Biden. He’ll nod along, and then laugh at him once Biden turns his back, because Joe Biden is a mental toddler with dementia.
There’s no way that Biden and Trudeau will ever convince AMLO to adopt a bunch of stupid solar panels in his country. Mexico is in the rip-roaring, slash-and-burn stage of capitalism right now. Even though AMLO himself is an avowed communist, everybody in Mexico is getting rich right now and that’s a fun time to be in charge of a country. There’s no way he’s going to wreck Mexico’s electric grid with windmills, when his country is now the third-largest oil exporter in the Western hemisphere.
Finally, the three of them will no doubt come up with some ridiculous trade agreement that will ship American jobs to Mexico and/or Canada, because Joe Biden loves screwing over his own people.
As Biden is about to go do that, President Trump has unveiled an ambitious plan to fix most, if not all, of the problems on our southern border. In his usual way, Trump has come up with a plan that is so simple that you’ll smack your forehead and think, “How come no previous politician has ever thought of that?”
Are you ready to hear President Trump’s amazing plan? Here it is:
How about if we kill the damn drug cartels the same way we did ISIS?
*Forehead smack*
Yeah, remember how ISIS was the biggest terror threat on the planet when Trump came into office in 2017? Where are those guys now?
Trump’s action plan obviously involves sealing off the border first and reinstating all the policies that had the border under control before Mr. LOL-81-Million took over and wrecked everything. Trump says he’ll then deploy the US military, including the Navy, to conduct drug interdictions on the southern border, and in the Gulf of Mexico, the Atlantic and the Pacific. No more drugs are getting in.
Trump will then use US special forces, cyber warfare and drone strikes, and any other means necessary to wipe out the leadership of the cartels and inflict maximum damage. President Trump will also designate the cartels as terrorist groups (which they are), cut off their access to the international banking system, and ask Congress for the death penalty for drug traffickers who are now killing more than 100,000 Americans every year.
That’s literally the best plan to deal with the drug cartels and the border that we’ve ever had in America. It looks like President Trump is just getting warmed up for his third successful run at the White House. And we can’t wait to see that plan put into action. You’ve just been put on notice, cartel terrorists!
Not MY president!
Biden can be impeached, if the Republicans enact the ‘WAR POWERS ACT’ against him.
With all the illegals he’s letting in, they are a threat to National Security!
We need to get This Loser out of Office and Put Trump Back in So ready for a Change before this Idiot Totally Destroys this Country Where we can’t Put it Back to Independency again
It’s too late for that. Biden is going to institute his Programmable FED Coin this year, they are already testing it. This will give them complete control over all your money because he is also going to do away with Cash. They will have complete control over what you spend your money on and who you donate to. If the Commie Democrats don’t like what you buy or who you donate to ; they will just press a button and you no longer have money. It will also lead to Equity income. Welcome to China! The WEF, Elites, left and Communist Democrats are all working to destroy America. They have been brainwashing our children and Military with CRT (a Marxist propaganda tool to destroy us from within) also perverting our children with LGBQ ideology in schools. They are out to destroy our families so they will view the Government as their parents. They are attacking our freedom of speech, religion and 2A rights. America is on the downward spiral.
Preston, good job! Remember energy reemergence via President Trump, essential for the country and current civilization.
Biden the puppet for Obama’s globalist Nazi elites pedofile destroying the west must be deleted from the earth to save your money way of life freedom your grandkids future
The Nazis never went away! They just hid in our educational and governmental systems. They’ve been destroying us for years. They’re cancer!!!
Spot On!
Chairman Xiden is Killery Klinton minus the cock! He took over where Obowel left off……destroying America and making us a laughingstock. Xiden will do his best to see that the cartels remain strong and loyal to the democratic plantation party. They probably have money going to yhe cartels in the 1.7 trillion dollar ponzi scheme.
You are SPOT ON! We The Legal Citizens People And Legal Immigrants Of The USA need to back #45’s Plan, and completely Demoralize And Destroy All 3 or 4 Drug, Human Trafficking Cartels just like #45 Did The Combination Taliban/Al Qaeda = ISIS/ISIL, and still Demoralize, De-Fund And Destroy All Of Those Dangerous, Deadly Violent, Destructive And HATE Filled And Fueled BLM And ANTIFA Domestic Terrorists Into Oblivion! Mr. Let’s Go Branden sr.’s Brown Shirted ANTIFA THUGS, Were The 1’s That Were Ushered Into The Opposite Side Of The US Capitol Building (By The DC Police Dept., And Guess Who Delivered Those 2 Pipe Bombs Just Outside Of Both The Democratic And C Republican HQ’s The Night Before, It Was Those Brown Shirted ANTIFA THUGS), An Hour Before #45 Started Delivering His 1/6/2021 Speech, And FBI Volunteer Mr. Epps Helped Instigated All Of The Confusion! Where it was The Whole Left Side Of The US Political Equation That Started And Instigated The Whole 1/6/2021 Illegal Situation!!!
The people that voted for those stupid senators
Like pa and others deserve the sh___they get
But unfortunately we lose also
1 need to get rid of Republican McCormick leader of the senate +the senators that put him back in there
There Democrats in Republican clothes
America’s Brown Water Navy is salivating over the notion of protecting our nation again, this time with the real prospect of being home every day for dinner. Most North Americans also would welcome total annihilation of the cartels that earn billions from human trafficking and dealing drugs.
Who arrests a president for Treason and who then tries that president for the crime and passes sentence? Which is supposed to be hanging.
He should be tried as a war criminal at the Hague. Let the other countries decide his fate – if we are not in agreement, we can alter their decision with our own. He is a war criminal and so corrupt, as is his whole family, including his brother, son, wife, sister – would have to check out his daughter. But it appears she has put some miles between her and his corrupt family. What he has done to this country that a lot of people love, we may never be able to be the same again because of him and his dirty deeds! If he does not get his way, he will just go sign an Executive Order and get it that way! You can take him to the Train Station to be never heard from again!
It is time that Democrats put their pride aside and wake up to the fact that those they helped cheat rig into office are not working for the betterment of America they are working to destroy our country from within. You can say all you want about President Trump but the man loves this country and worked to make the American citizens life better not worse as biden regime has done. In two short years this man has taken a strong economy and destroyed it, Democrats have used COVID, climate change as their tool but these Democrats still do not abide by the rules they give us to abide by. We have watched as double standards in the justice system and Government systems have discriminated, purscuted, IGNORED blm, antifa violence, push for baised law enforcement. Committed a coup against their own sitting President from 2016 to the corupt elections of 2020. Anyone who supports Biden and his regime weather a Republican or Democrat is against the American way of life and should be expelled from office. Our Bill of Rights and Constitution are our weapons against this communist regime if our court systems don’t uphold these which is why Democrats attack the courts at every turn we are screwed. Civil war will be our only option. That is why they are after our guns they are taking plays out of China, Canada’s playbook to control their citizens . We need to stand strong against these that are out to destroy America from within.
We are headed down the wrong road in the America’s…and Canada too. Our 2020 election was not without fraud and we are still proving that, thanks to folks working to clean up state voting problems. Wisc. and Ariz. and Ga. and others all found problems but the election was okay…you will never convince me of that. Election Deniers are just laughed at….(I am one of them)….but still think it has to be fixed or we are going to loose the country. The latest from Wisc. is solid evidence that Biden probably should never have stepped foot in the Rose Garden. He is going to keep screwing things up until we go to the polls in 2024…..hopefully we are still able to run a good election by then… Who do ya believe anymore?
I agree!
I love the author’s sense of humor.
To those of you Hate/ Never Trumpers please answer WHY that is ? Wih your present choice we have a high inflation , yes a job market with adjustable numbers ( 2 jobs for every Aplicants) , more people being paid too much to not seek work. An open border which will eventually fill those jobs at the expense of lower wages and exported US dollars ,increased crime and a two tier economy with dwindling middle class