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Confirmed: COVID Vaccines Contain a Monkey Virus That Gives You Cancer

Back in the early days of the COVID vaccine rollout, the big pharmaceutical companies and governments threatened to arrest anyone who tried to analyze the ingredients of the vaccines. If any pharma employee tried to pass a vial of vaccine to a scientist, they’d be arrested. If any scientist or citizen was found in possession of a vial, they’d be arrested. That actually happened.

Now that a couple of years have gone by, a scientific team in Canada was able to obtain 27 vials of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines and analyzed their ingredients. You might want to sit down for this next part if you took even one of those shots.

The vaccines contain tons of simian virus 40 (SV40). That’s a monkey virus that can pass to humans. Medical research has shown for many years that SV40 causes several different, very terrible and usually fatal types of cancer. A 2004 study at Baylor College of Medicine found that SV40 could cause “primary brain cancers, primary bone cancers, malignant mesothelioma, and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma,” in human beings.

Why are we just finding this out now about the COVID vaccines? Between the first double-shot and all the boosters, Americans have now injected nearly one billion of these shots into their arms. It’s been almost three years, and we are just now finding out that, oh, BY THE WAY, one of the main ingredients in this experimental medicine is a ****ing MONKEY VIRUS that gives you CANCER?

Sorry for the outburst. It’s a little infuriating though, don’t you think?

The researcher who originally discovered this was Kevin McKernan. He’s a scientist in Canada who founded a company called Medicinal Genomics. He obtained 27 vials of Pfizer and Moderna vaccines and tested them thoroughly. He published a paper on his findings back in April, which the CDC and the FDA here in the US ignored completely.

You can encounter a little bit of monkey virus and it won’t give you cancer. But what McKernan and his team found was that the COVID primary series shots and the latest Pfizer booster shot have amounts of SV40 that are orders of magnitude above what it considered a safe amount.

While the CDC and the FDA were busy ignoring these published scientific findings, Health Canada (that nation’s version of the CDC) was not. Health Canada tested McKernan’s findings and confirmed them. Both the Pfizer and Moderna shots contain the cancer-causing monkey virus SV40.

Some shills for the pharmaceutical industry are claiming that there’s no evidence that the SV40 in the shots can cause any harm. However, they offer no scientific evidence at all that this claim is true. On the other side of the argument, all the scientific literature shows that the monkey virus can give people cancer.

The Baylor study referenced above concluded that “the biological evidence is of moderate strength that SV40 exposure could lead to cancer in humans under natural conditions.”

Under natural conditions, there is a moderately strong chance you’ll get cancer. Wouldn’t it make sense that if you take a huge dose of the monkey virus, far above the allowable guidelines, and you inject it into your body in unnatural conditions, that it could give you cancer?

If the FDA and the CDC were truly concerned about public health, they would have discovered this shocking fact three years ago. There were no quality assurance tests that were ever done on these shots before they started injecting them in people’s arms. We now have two rigorous scientific tests that confirm the presence of the cancer-causing monkey virus in the shots, and yet the CDC is still running around telling everyone to get the latest booster shot. They even recommend that pregnant women still get it.

This is criminal negligence on the part of the pharmaceutical companies and on our public health officials. They never did any QA testing before they started injecting Americans with these shots. They have ignored scientific evidence from the very beginning that these shots were dangerous and there was something “off” about them.

On top of the mRNA technology, which appears to have catastrophic effects in young people, we now know that the vaccines contain a cancer-causing monkey virus. People at the CDC and the FDA, not to mention the pharmaceutical companies, need to go to jail for this.

You can read Kevin McKernan’s study HERE.

You can read the Baylor study on the dangers of the monkey virus HERE.

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12 thoughts on “Confirmed: COVID Vaccines Contain a Monkey Virus That Gives You Cancer”


  2. We got the first 2 Moderna shots. We have not gotten any booster shots and will NOT. No more for us no matter what!! Too many people have died, and even younger people, since these shots came out. I’m only sorry I got any at all.

    1. Amen Teresa I am with you I got 2 my doctor said I should after heart surgery. Sorry I did no more for me. My husband also. I am a retired nurse I no longer trust any of them CDC FDA anything government God bless us & God bless America.

  3. After our 2nd Maderna shot, my husband had a horrible headache all day. Five days later he had a blood clot, stroke and massive brain hemorrhage. Three days in the hospital and three days in Hospice and he was gone forever. He was strong, healthy and took no meds!!! I was lucky, just didn’t feel well and had really sore eyeballs, like I’d been punched in the eyes . ???curious. Never happened before or since.

  4. There is little doubt that the FDA and CDC definitely knew about the ingredients in those jabs. They were working along with Gates and Fauci who both want to depopulate the world through fake vaccines, which they did and still are trying to give more jabs.

  5. It’s not a QA issue. It can only get in there if it was done Deliberately. Dr. M that worked with Fauci years ago and blew the whistle on him warned that SV40 would be in there.

  6. Fauci and all his co-horts, should be in prison! In fact, w/the large #’s of deaths,CAUSED BY THEM, and obviously on purpose, they should all be in THEIR graves today, rather than the innocent people (including my atty) who are in their’s, because of them!!! This is PLANNED genocide!

  7. There is little doubt that this was a giant scam to make the Pharm companies a lot of money it was also a trial run to see how easy it would be to control the population. and it worked. the people in charged new all of this that is why they made it so that they could never be sued. Gates, Fauci and all of them should be arrested for crimes against humanity. Get rid of these people They are extremely dangerous.

  8. Because my wife and I vacation annually out of country, we had to get the initial two jabs, then the booster. It’s now sad to read that our lives may be shortened because our government and its many health agencies lied to us and concealed crucial information.

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