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Disgusting: Hitler Joe Strips Angel Mom of US Citizenship, Turns Her Life Upside Down

Just when you thought that #PedoHitler could not possibly stoop any lower comes this story. Americans had better wake up and realize what time it is. If you’re stuck in the old way of thinking and telling yourself, “It could never happen here,” please: WAKE UP. The Democrat Party of today can always stoop lower and dig deeper than we previously imagined. They’re nasty, they fight dirty, and nothing about the American system will stand in the way of their lust for power over every aspect of your life. Don’t believe me? Joe Biden has been stripping US citizenship away from “Angel Moms” – mothers whose children have been murdered by illegal aliens.

One group of Americans who were steadfast supporters of President Donald Trump was always the Angel Moms. These poor women have paid the ultimate sacrifice because of the reckless open border policies of Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama, and now Joe Biden. They’ve had sons or daughters murdered in pointless, completely unnecessary fashion by people who should never have been in our country in the first place.

One of those Angel Moms is Sabine Durden. She’s done countless interviews on C-SPAN, Fox News, and other mainstream media outlets to talk about the senseless death of her son, Dominic Durden, at the hands of an illegal alien invader.


Dominic was a 30-year-old Riverside County sheriff’s dispatcher in California in 2012. He was headed to work on his motorcycle one morning when illegal alien Juan Zacarias Lopez Tzun made an illegal left turn and smashed into Dominic. The young American suffered catastrophic injuries and died at the scene. Despite being charged with vehicular manslaughter and killing an innocent young American man, a Riverside County judge ended up sentencing Tzun to serve just 30 days in jail.

That’s the background to Angel Mom Sabine Durden.

Ms. Durden immigrated to the United States legally from Germany several decades ago. She went through the legal process to become an American citizen in 1996.

She went in for foot surgery this summer and was recovering at home a month later when the criminal Joe Biden regime dropped a bomb on her. She received a hospital bill for $17,000 for the surgery. Sabine thought it was a billing error, because she’s been on Medicare for the past few years.

When Sabine contacted Medicare to find out what the deal was, she was informed that her insurance claim was denied… because she was an “undocumented person.” She then called Social Security and discovered she was listed in their system as a “green card holder” and therefore was ineligible for Medicare.

Social Security told her to bring her passport and driver’s license to a local office to fill out some paperwork. But when she did that, she was informed that she needed to bring her naturalization certificate.

She’s still in red tape hell and trying to get this sorted out. I wondered how this was even possible. You can’t just strip someone’s citizenship away from them. It’s next to impossible to lose your American citizenship unless you go enlist in Al Qaeda or some foreign army at war with the US government.

So, I researched this to try to figure out what’s going on. It turns out, according to NOLO, that there are seven instances in which a person can be stripped of their US citizenship. Most of those seven instances involve things like renouncing your US citizenship at a US consular office while overseas or taking a job with a foreign government or signing up to fight with a foreign army. But #7 on the list is the one that caught my attention. It reads:

“Being convicted of treason or participating in any attempt to overthrow the U.S. government.”

And there it is.

The law doesn’t say you have to be convicted of an attempt to overthrow the US government. You just have to PARTICIPATE in an attempt to “overthrow the US government,” and the government can revoke your US citizenship.

The Democrats and the media continue to insist that the January 6 Election Justice Protest was an “insurrection” or an “attempt to overthrow the US government.” Joe Biden said that exact thing in his big #PedoHitler speech while flanked by US Marines.

And what was the name of that one patriotic group that went to Washington, DC on January 6? Oh, right… it was the Angel Moms.

Do you still think Joe Biden can’t stoop any lower?

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30 thoughts on “Disgusting: Hitler Joe Strips Angel Mom of US Citizenship, Turns Her Life Upside Down”


    1. Attempting to lump Adolf Hitler, a man of honor, dignity, steely resolve, and respect for the White race, in with Dementia Joe Biden, is stooping to even lower depths of ignominy than the very depths the mentally deranged criminal, Biden, would stoop on his worst day.

      Typing a post in all CAPITAL letters is considered shouting on the Internet. It is also a red flag that the person writing the post has zero command of the English language, the inability to construct a coherent sentence, and a propensity for misspelling even fundamentally basic words.

  2. Biden is starting his own movement, other than a bowel movement, Its called MALA …Make American Last Again. Virtually everything he has done is working towards this goal.

  3. Never in America’s political history has a president as dishonest, corrupt, unpatriotic, or lacking in achievements as crooked Joe Biden entered the White House, and never has such a low man and his equally corrupt dimocrat party, done so much to undermine public trust and confidence in the institutions of State, or to politicize them for the benefit of one party over another. Satan sits in the White House, and the mainstream media pretend they haven’t noticed.

  4. Jinping’s insane little puppet, paid for with the billions to his corrupt family. Nearly everything he has done to harm America has benefitted China.

  5. I think whT happened to this Angel mom is disgusting. This law got there HOW? Anyone can be stripped of citizenship just by not agreeing with Joe Biden.
    I am a MAGA Patriot I fully support TRUMP
    I am a MARINE

    1. Thank you marine. I was married to a marine for 50 years. He never had any use for China Joe Biden. Thank God he passed before Biden got into office.
      So again thank you.

  6. Here’s the Truth. They the Fraud, Phony, Fake In Chief, Will, Since He Is Not Directing or Doing Anything, Except Following Orders & Directives from those in Under the 3RD Term of the One Who Hates America The Most, As it Was. Now, With Transformations in Place, 40-50 Million Invaders over 14 Years, Also In Place, They Are Weaponizing All Agencies, Departments, Branches, All Against Any & All Who Are Not Supporters of these Frauds & Their Anti-American Pro-Global, Pro-Illegal Invaders, Pro-Lawlessness, Pro-Making Legal & Lawful Americans Pay for it All…& We Are!! I Mean, Everything Has Gone Up by Doubling or Tripling Including Insurance! Home Owners, Health, Auto, Name It, Food, Utilities, Interest Rates, But, Wages, Those on Fixed Incomes? We Won’t be able to Patronize the Small Businesses because of All the Inflationary Costs. This is ALL Planned. All Orchestrated, It’s More of the Same As it’s Always been 8 Solid Years of the First 2 Terms of the One who Hates America & Americans. Hence, All the Forced Transformations, Higher Costs for Everything, Yet, They’ve Put More on Government Aid & Invited & Imported Their Additional Voter Class, The Dependent, Not Independent, Hence, They Have Their Votes As They’ve Been Signed Up Coming Into Our Country, for 14! Years! They Are Stealing From Us to Pay for All of Them! Wake Up, Unite & Be Ready Because They’re Emboldened & Empowered & Now Literally Getting Rid of Or Trying to, All of Their Opposition, Those Who Disagree & WILL NOT OR EVER SUPPORT OR VOTE FOR “THEM”…Of course, They Don’t NEED Us Now & They Are Actively Breaking Us For it. Wake UNITE. As the Larger Force, We Could Reverse Most of This, Not All, Never All, But We Could Make a Huge Difference! Can’t Deport 40-50 Million But We Could Sure Make a Dent in the #’s of Criminals All those Countries Have Sent to Us, With the Invites Coming From the Demonrat Party. How Much More Will YOU Give UP?? Coming After ANY Savings Left…Watch.

  7. biden is willing to do what ever it takes to keep his illegals free & his money coming in for him & his son i believe totally he would go as far as taking his own wife out if she didn’t agree with him , i would even bet he’d take out his own party members if he so chooses ,,,, WAKE UP AMERICA THIS MAN (& I USE THIS TERM VERY LOOSELY) is not only a liar & a cheat but is also an idiot ,,

    1. And all those illegals are going to be very surprised when in reality they end up being just another group of slaves for democrats.

  8. Sabine Durden is legally in the United States of America and is a citizen of the USA since 1996. Biden is illegally in the white house as the president and has committed treason. So, which is worse, Biden is the worse. He needs to be removed from office immediately and Sabine Durden needs to be given back her USA citizenship immediately. Then we need to make Biden pay all of her bills forever. Biden is so ANTI-AMERICAN it isn’t funny. He is hateful and uncaring.

  9. Obiden is the traitor he has committed crimes against America when is he going to be held accountable! He is colluding with a foreign government to destroy America and take our freedom away from us make no mistake about that! From day one he’s been on a mission to sell all Americans out trying to take our guns away why do you think he wants an unarmed America? From his open borders sky high food and gas prices INFLATION the recession the tanked economy all of this was preplanned! Let’s Go Brandon!

  10. biden as commander in chief should be tried by a military tribunal for:
    1- failure to abide by his oath of office–to defend and protect the flag, constitution and citizens of The USA
    2-derelection of duty–every mandate, executive order, etc. to hurt the citizens of the USA
    3-sedition–attempting to other throw the duly elected government and establish a socialist state
    4-treason– giving aid to our enemies ,money to the taliban and cartels, sale of our petroleum reserve to china
    5-traitor– supply classified info to n. korea, china, russia, etc.
    6-murder– death of 13 military, unknown number of US citizens and afgan passport and green cardholders left
    behind, fentanol deaths of americans from drugs coming across open border, over 700 illegal deaths etc.

    1. And he has proudly mentioned the big fraud Dems did re 2020 and the 2 Senate seats fraud in January 2021 in Georgia run-off that gave them a Dem Senate majority.
      They are controlling te media to help them, too. And after EACH of Biden’s numerous 2 hour calls with Xi, Biden comes out and tells reporters how much easier governing a country under AUTOCRACY or COMMUNISM would be, how much faster and simpler compared to our system. Biden also refuses to release transcripts of those LONG conversations, which I bet are tutoring sessions for Biden from Xi. Biden intentionally hurts US while helping China. Removes tariffs on Chinese steel and increases taxes on American steel companies, and many other things. Son acts as broker for China buying copper and lithium mines in Africa, besting out AMERICAN COMPANIES. Biden also refuses to keep a mandatory log of visitors to his private homes and of phone calls in and out. ALL FOUR BIDENS were given keys to an office they SHARE with Chinese nationals, at the Bidens’ request. Documented by Hunter emails and statements by his ex-partner Bobilinski. Joe, Jill, Hunter, and Joe’s brother all got keys, all in on this.
      So many instances of TREASON by this family and Administration. Convict and max penalty of death after all the death and destruction of America and Americans and allies, moving hard speed ahead t destroy a free America and change it to a totalitarian state with Socialism and Communism.

      And if they can successfully take her citizenship by falsely claiming huge wanted to overthrow te government, then they’ll feel they can take ANYONE’S CITIZENSHIP AWAY AT WILL. These are truly evil people.

  11. We need to strip the Illegal Biden from his office in the white house. Kick his butt out of the stolen office and also Harris and the rest of the Democrats. They all want a Socialist Country so let’s put them all on a plane to China and never ever allow them back into the USA for ANY REASON!

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