Hilarious Wisconsin Probe Finds “No Fraud,” Just Lots of Dead Voters

Is it just me, or has the quality of gaslighting in America really gone downhill the past few years? If you’re going to tell me a big, bold lie with a straight face, that lie probably shouldn’t make me burst out laughing. But that’s exactly what I did when reading a newly issued report from a supposedly nonpartisan public-interest law firm in Wisconsin.

After examining some of the ballots in the Wisconsin 2020 election, the group concludes in its report that there was no voter fraud that took place in that state last year. I read this report with some interest, because that news directly contradicts the findings of the Racine County Sheriff and the Special Counsel investigation. And then I started laughing.

The legal group that issued this new report out of the blue is called the Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty (WILL). It’s kind of convenient that a group claiming to have “proven” that there was no voter fraud in Wisconsin in 2020 – a group that no one had heard of before this – suddenly issues this report in the run-up to the Special Counsel’s upcoming report. The Special Counsel’s interim report proved conclusively last month that fraud did take place, and he’s going to run it down.

WILL proclaims in the report, “There was no evidence of widespread voter fraud.”

That’s a definitive statement. NO evidence. None. Zero. Zip. Nada!

The report then states that the number of illegally cast votes in Wisconsin in 2020 almost certainly exceeded Joe Biden’s margin of victory.

Wait, what? Now you see why I was laughing about this report. If illegally cast votes don’t count as widespread election fraud, then what does?


Now, to be clear, WILL did not conduct any sort of election audit. They conducted a review of 20,000 ballots and were allowed (by court order) to examine 29,000 absentee ballots. So, they looked at 49,000 of the 3.2 million votes cast in Wisconsin in 2020. The also reviewed approximately 65,000 “documents,” primarily DMV and Postal Service records, of registered voters. And they STILL managed to find enough illegal votes to exceed Joe Biden’s 20,682-vote margin of fake victory. (But no fraud evidence!)

What did they find?

In the 49,000 ballots they reviewed, the group uncovered 300 ineligible voters who cast ballots, 130 ballots cast by felons, 129 ballots cast from commercial addresses (which is illegal in Wisconsin) and 42 dead people who voted.

That is 601 illegally cast ballots out of a sample of 49,000 ballots. That’s 1.2% of the vote. Which means that statistically, these goofs accidentally proved that there could have been as many as 38,892 illegal votes cast in Wisconsin in the 2020 election – nearly twice Joe Biden’s margin of victory. (Isn’t math fun?)

Tell us more, wise election fraud debunkers!

Oh, there’s more. This is great, by the way. I kind of needed a laugh this week.

In their fact-finding mission to prove that there was no fraud in the 2020 election, WILL also uncovered 54,259 voters who failed to show voter ID when they registered. (Wisconsin has one of the toughest voter ID laws in the country, so this is a big no-no.) 7,750 voters did not exist in DMV records.

Another 23,400 people who cast ballots had fraudulent DMV information on their registrations. Another 32,000 voters were listed in the National Change of Address Database with the US Postal Service, including 7,151 who had moved out of Wisconsin completely. Let’s pause on that one for a second.

It’s a violation of federal law for the Postal Service to forward a mail-in ballot. Ask yourself this question: How did those 32,000 people who moved end up casting mail-in ballots in 2020, unless some workers at the Postal Service participated in the theft of the election? If they forwarded 10 or 12 ballots to people, you could argue that it was simple human error. But when the “error” is 150% over the margin of victory, that is election fraud. Period.

When the Special Counsel’s final report is issued in Wisconsin sometime soon (and hopefully the arrests begin), the media is going to point to this report from the Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty to gaslight everyone some more. They’ll claim that the WILL report proved there was no election fraud in Wisconsin in 2020.

Just remember that the WILL report concluded that felons, people from other states, and dead people voting is not “evidence” of voter fraud. They found a grand total of 156,301 illegally cast votes in Wisconsin – nearly EIGHT TIMES Joe Biden’s margin of victory – but there was “no fraud.” Most safe and secure election ever!

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18 thoughts on “Hilarious Wisconsin Probe Finds “No Fraud,” Just Lots of Dead Voters”

  1. This story is a breath of fresh air ! I certainly needed to see some encouraging truth. I know there was the same lowlife leftist fraud happening in the other 4 or 5 states. Partly after voting closed, in several states at same EXACT time. Keep the powder dry..might need.

    1. I was thinking the same thing. I had to laugh also at the complete stupidity of these leftists freaks who think Americans are stupid or something. They continue to cover up of the 2020 election fraud through no media coverage of this greatest election tragedy in the history of this country. It’s all gonna be found out though because CHEATERS NEVER WIN not For long anyway. Lol!

  2. So, with all this supposed non-fraud events that had been performed, exactly why is that empty nut shell Joe Biden still in the White House? That goes along with his VP. Her track record leaves much to be admired.

  3. put guards at the cemetaries at election time— let the dead sleep in peace. and clean the voter polls ,update records and update info on who has passed. the dead will come back to haunt any woke J.A who votes in their name.

  4. How about “selecting” a few of those people who participated in voter fraud and make an extreme example of them. WI, CA, VA, MA, anywhere! Just select a locality, anywhere! Arrest them! Charge them! Prosecute them and provide them with a speedy trial. And because they willingly participated in a massive fraud which could in fact be a non-military coup – charge them with treason and after convicting them, publicly stream their transport to Gitmo whereby they will serve a lengthy sentence, We MUST protect our elections from those who are apparently willing to do the unthinkable…

  5. Couldn’t agree more with Alfred’s comment earlier. Arrest those in the voter fraud chain of command and make an example of them. This can’t be allowed to happen again, but this administration will do absolutely nothing to clean up voter rolls you can be sure. How sad that they can only win by cheating and they know it! Mail in balloting must be limited to only those who qualify, i.e., request a ballot and have their voter ID and information on record first, otherwise, invite them to the polling location.

    1. Anyone who is honest, knows that the election was rigged for Biden, and I di hope and pray that this will be made clear to the American people soon! The big question is, will we ever be able to have a fair and honest election again?! When you have so many evil people involved, as there were in the 2020 election, who were willing to cheat, in return for the money that they were paid, what can be done to stop it?! The GOP is making some effort to make elections honest, but not enough! The evil Democrats cry “voter suppression” whenever those changes are proposed, changes like having to actually prove who you are, and that you are alive, and that you are a U.S. citizen! I hat to say it, but we have so many crooked people in positions of power in this country, that I doubt we will ever again have an honest election! I sure do hope that I am wrong!

  6. The key to the mainstream LIE about the election is the use of the word “WIDESPREAD.” By claiming there is no WIDESPREAD fraud they attempt (unsuccessfully) to gaslight all humans, including those with a functioning brain.

    But the word WIDESPREAD is exceedingly important because it is the word they will use to claim that all their false reporting was not false because in no state were fraudulent ballots cast by humans in all counties. The fact of the matter is that the REAL fraud has not yet been released – the WIDESPREAD fraud involving electronic systems in which votes were switched electronically (ALWAYS) from Trump to Biden, and the statistically impossible JUMPS in votes that occurred in the wee hours of the morning – until THAT is revealed they continue to gaslight with the word WIDESPREAD.

  7. My sister received two ballots for herself in CA. One for her married name and one for her maiden name.
    I got a ballot in my PO Box for the former owner of the PO Box. I’ve had the PO Box for 3.5 years and do not get that man’s mail, but did get his mail-in ballot. I chose to vote in person and did NOT have to surrender my mail-in ballot (state of NV).

  8. 21,000 illegally cast votes, but no fraud.
    Yep, move on now, nothing to see here.

    Everything was on the up and up, just wait til the next election, anyone want to bet a “new” variant magically pops up shortly before the mid-terms?

  9. These geeks sound like Michigan’s. Oh…nothing to see here! (When there are an abundance of examples of fraud….definite and proven fraud.) It is intolerable!! I hope soon we will be seeing it overturned. Thanks to the many people working on this crime.


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