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Joe Biden’s Obnoxious Legacy Will Be That He Hurt Americans When It Mattered Most

As we’ve been discussing for several weeks now, Joe Biden wants Donald Trump to win the 2024 election. That is why he chose Kamala Harris as his successor. He wants his legacy to be that he was the only politician who ever defeated Trump in an election. (He doesn’t have much else that he’d be able to put on his epitaph.)

The next few weeks are going to be awful for Americans because of this. Joe Biden will not do the right thing when it comes to hurricane relief or ending the longshoremen’s strike, because he knows that the more that Americans suffer, the more we will blame Kamala Harris.

Both the federal and state government relief efforts for Hurricane Helene are already shaping up to be a disaster. The first thing that Joe Biden did was put Kamala Harris on point for the White House. She’s the one now sitting in FEMA meetings and pretending to look concerned, when in fact, she doesn’t have a freakin’ clue what to do.


Did you know that our nation keeps a huge stockpile of electrical transformers and supplies that we always keep on hand for this exact scenario?

That stockpile is a national security item that we maintain for times when the power gets knocked out across an entire region of the country. Eastern Tennessee and western North Carolina took the brunt of the storm damage, but fortunately for them, linemen have all the equipment and spare parts they need to quickly get the power back on for their fellow Americans.

Except… oh, wait…

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have treated that stockpile like it’s the National Petroleum Reserve. There are no spare parts in the national stockpile to get the power back on in eastern Tennessee and western North Carolina. Any guesses where the spare parts went?

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris sent them all to f***ing Ukraine.

Instead of taking days or weeks to get the power back on in some areas, it’s now going to take months, because states will have to order new parts from China or other countries. The states will have to make these purchases because Joe Biden has already said there will be no federal aid coming to Tennessee or North Carolina. He just sent another $8 billion to Ukraine, but he says that the American taxpayers have to donate to the relief efforts to help our fellow Americans.

There has still been no actual federal response to the hurricane other than words. Volunteers from across the country immediately sprang into action. The Tennessee Emergency Management Agency (TEMA) sent out a warning that volunteers and supplies should not be sent to the disaster-stricken communities, otherwise, it will supposedly hamper the state’s relief efforts.

What relief efforts?

Good ole boys with their tractors and backhoes are removing trees and boulders from the roads and reopening the area already. TEMA hasn’t done much of anything. Authorities in some parts of east Tennessee are threatening to arrest people for trying to deliver drinking water and other emergency supplies. That’s not helping.

The day after the hurricane hit, Joe Biden yanked 700 National Guard troops out of Tennessee and sent them to the Middle East. Speaking of which, military assets all over the East Coast are sitting there unused right now. Some of the troops at Fort Bragg have family members in the disaster zone. They’re on the verge of going AWOL just to go help, because they’re sitting around doing nothing. All those helicopters, troops, and other supplies under the control of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are not being used.

Private helicopter owners are flying in supplies and Elon Musk’s Starlink internet kits. Speaking of Elon, his engineers are rewiring the software on those kits so that they’ll be offering free internet and cellphone communications to anyone within range of them in the disaster zone. That should be completed by Tuesday evening. Joe Biden gave Kamala Harris $42 billion to install rural broadband and she never managed to connect a single person to the internet after 3 years.

No one is helping except for the friends and neighbors of the Americans who are trapped in the disaster zones. Joe Biden won’t send help because he’s a petulant child who wants to say “I told you so” to Barack Obama after Kamala Harris loses the 2024 election. It’s too bad that Americans are going to have to suffer just because of Biden’s petty and childish grudge against his own party.

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