Oh, look, the rules have suddenly changed again now that it will benefit the Democrats. Isn’t it convenient that laws, rules, regulations, norms, politeness, civility and other standards that we used to observe in America now only apply when they can be used to either a) bludgeon Republicans over the head, or b) benefit the Democrats?
Now that the DNC has chosen Kamala Harris as the real 2020 nominee for President of the United States, we are being asked to return to civility and politeness and to never criticize a female candidate for high office, because that would be racist and misogynistic.
The radical abortion lobby in America (NARAL, Planned Parenthood, etc.), sent a threatening letter to all media outlets in the country a few days ago. The message: Don’t you dare say anything sexist, misogynistic or racist about Kamala Harris. It’s absolutely off-limits to criticize Kamala Harris in any way because she is a strong, protected WOMYN who must be shielded from all criticism!!!
This standard seems to be a bit of an about-face compared to how a person I know very well – some lady who used to live in Alaska – was treated by media outlets when she ran for vice president in 2008.
For example, the day after Sarah Palin was announced as the Republican vice-presidential candidate, here’s how a liberal radio host reacted to the news. He referred to Sarah Palin’s son Trig, who was born with Down syndrome, as “Turd Palin.” He said that “In a just society, Trig or Turd or whatever its name is, would have never been born and would have been flushed down the toilet.” He went on to insist that the choice of Palin was designed to trick “retarded Christians” into violating their faith by voting for John McCain’s radical, racist agenda.
Sarah Palin was referred to by powerful media elites and Hollywood celebrities as a dumb C-word, the anti-Wonder Woman, a Jesus freak, a “Stepford” candidate, a bimbo, a whore, a cocky wacko, “Bush in drag,” “Danielle Quayle,” xenophobic, racist, a “Republican blow-up doll,” a bully, the biggest demagogue in America, dangerous, the Paleolithic Princess of Parsimonious Patriotism, a “man with a vagina,” an opportunistic anti-female, and a disgrace to women. And that was just during the first three days of her candidacy.
Once the media got revved up, they hatched a conspiracy theory that Palin’s son Trig was actually the child of one of her underage teenage daughters, and that the Palins were pretending that their “grandson” Trig was their son in an elaborate ruse to benefit the pro-life movement. One of the most vicious fights I ever had with a rival media figure happened when an individual who is a current Fox News personality demanded that I ask Palin face-to-face whether John McCain was Trig’s real father. He claimed that McCain must have demanded the right to impregnate Sarah as the “price” she paid for the VP nomination.
Don’t get me wrong. There were actual, legit things that Sarah Palin could have been criticized for. She wasn’t all that great as the Governor of Alaska. She could have turned down money from George W. Bush’s administration to expand Planned Parenthood abortion clinics into remote Alaska Native villages – but she didn’t. She took the money. She could have turned down the Rockefeller Foundation’s money for Alaska to establish a “Blue Ribbon Climate Panel” and push for a carbon tax – but she didn’t. I could go on and on about why Sarah Palin was a wonderful person and a not-so-great governor, but that’s beside the point.
Sarah Palin was never criticized for legitimate mistakes she made as a governor, because the media never got past criticizing her for her looks, her clothing, her accent, her gender and the fact that she was a likeable, blue collar American. It was the most shallow, superficial and vicious attack that American voters had ever seen directed against any candidate – male or female. (Until Donald Trump came along in 2016.)
So… pardon me if I’m a little bit skeptical about this newfound, sudden standard that a woman can never be criticized for any reason when she’s running for office. It seems awfully convenient now that the DNC has chosen Kamala Harris as their real nominee for president in 2020. You’ll also have to excuse me if I refuse to abide by Planned Parenthood’s civility guidelines. Now that we know who the actual Democrat nominee for president is, we can finally take the gloves off.