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State Department Officials CONFIRM Democrats are Replacing American Voters with Illegals

After insisting that the Great Replacement Theory was nothing more than a conspiracy theory hatched up by a bunch of Republican bigots, the government just admitted it is in fact VERY real.

A couple of officials inside Biden’s State Department are definitely going to lose their jobs after being caught on camera ADMITTING to what the Biden regime has been doing.

The first official in question is Dan Fitzgerald, a country coordinator for the State Department and he made the rather damning admission to an undercover journalist working for Project Veritas.

Fitzgerald noted that the Biden regime and Congressional Democrats are relying on dirty immigration strategies to keep them in power.

“The big issue for the Hill for our region is immigration,” Fitzgerald states.

One of the things Fitzgerald is responsible for in his job is overseeing the U.S. foreign aid administered to countries in the West. As such, he has carried out Biden’s “genius” plan to pump billions of dollars into Central American countries to fix the “root causes” of immigration.

This little scheme is most definitely NOT slowing down the influx of immigration and if anything, it may actually be serving as a means of Biden BRIBING other countries in exchange for them literally sending their most dangerous criminals to America.

Biden’s plan to “fight illegal immigration” could very well be a cleverly disguised means of using tax dollars to import as many Democrat voters as possible.

The State Dept. official added that initially, he didn’t even see illegal immigration as a concern but his eyes have recently been opened to the reality America is facing.

“In my mind, I’m like oh, it’s not that much [illegal immigration]. And then I see the chart, I’m like oh that’s a lot compared to twenty years ago.”

Fitzgerald admits that he and his colleagues are at a loss for solutions. “There’s no clear answer,” he said.

As for the other official, well he was kept anonymous and it’s probably for the best because this is the kind of info that the Marxist Biden regime would WHACK him for revealing.

“The truth is they want to change the demographic of the United States,” the official said bluntly.

He then added a bit more credence to theory that Biden is using our tax dollars to pay countries for their criminals.

“I wish people knew we were letting criminals in daily,” the official said. “…all the good, honest, hardworking Mexicans stay in Mexico, and all the pieces of garbage come to the United States… And the Mexican government has no reason to stop it because they’re garbage, goes to another country, and sends money back to them.”

Asked about the end goal behind something like this, the State Department official very plainly admitted that the Democrats are trying to replace conservative Americans with a bunch of leftists.

“Traditional standard Americans are not leftists. Latin Americans are all leftists. It literally is. It’s just, it literally is essential to try to change the demographics [in the United States],” he said.

THIS is why Democrats are no longer bothering to try and win elections on policy – they’re importing brainwashed loyalists from foreign nations and you’ve just seen Biden’s own State Department ADMIT to doing this.

Watch the state dept official admit that the great replacement is real in the video below.

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11 thoughts on “State Department Officials CONFIRM Democrats are Replacing American Voters with Illegals”

  1. How can they allow illegals to vote? They aren’t US citizens and aren’t allowed to vote in national elections. I wouldn’t but anything past the democrats. They’re bound and determine to bring the country down.

    1. Pay attention!We do not have any Democrats today,all are Communists and some Muslim Terrorists.The Democrats have been working on America’s destruction since the 50s and the crowning of their efforts was 2008 election of a Muslim Fraud not legal to be President

    2. Amazing they can’t figure out how cocaine got in the white house but they can identify people from January sixth three years ago,and somehow a man shoots at president trump allegedly beyond the secret service perimeter and then loses his brain matter so he can’t ever talk then they say they are investigating.nothing will be done with the lefts responsible.

  2. Proof of citizenship must be required for anyone to vote in the U.S. If this doesn’t happen, we all lose our country.

    1. But here, in this Country,
      … $00.50, gets you a ‘S.S.card’, on the border.
      Az. N.M. Ca.
      … $ 1.50, gets you a ‘Driver License’ and NO ROAD TEST !

      “It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” T.S.

  3. Voter ID must be installed at every polling place across America. Ice agents could arrest the illegals while they try to vote. This communist bullcrap can be brought down along with people in high places within out government.

  4. ABSOLUTELY! VOTER ID’S ARE NECESSARY. Many othet things require IDs. WHY NOT TO VOTE???

  5. It’s insane. Democrats r full of rage envy n contempt for US n it’s constitutional republic so they circumvent the law. Congress like they said r aware n r allowing this their all have skin in the game all for their private greed n lust for power money control. So they lie t
    o the country This will lead to a second civil war.

  6. Joe Biden said that no one is above the Law. Let’s keep an eye on Immigrants if they tried to VOTE. They are not citizens they not voting and they are not above the LAW.

  7. No matter how much money we ship to Central America, NOTHING CHANGES! And we continue to send money. W-H-Y?

  8. Democrats have always gotten control and power with our tax dollars being handed out to make people dependent on government and total obedience from the uneducated that came out of their brain washing school systems , and university’s, their locking us down during their manufactured covid to steal the elections, and kill us off did fo one thing it brought out what these schools have been doing to our kids. And now that people are finding out that took the death shot by force of losing their job. Civil war is coming if things don’t change this November.

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