We’re all taught from a very young age that education is key to a bright future, and that the most valuable people are the most learned people. But our universities have become echo chambers for “Politically Correct” conformity. Students are compulsively taught that market driven economies are exploitative even though they have done more to curtail poverty than any other system.
They are told that women and minorities are being systematically conspired against by straight white men while straight white men occupy most of the most dangerous jobs and make up the largest homeless population as well as the highest suicide statistics.
Rhetoricians who contradict these left wing views are intimidated on college campuses and crowded out by screaming, fire-alarm-bell-pulling student protesters who immediately retreat to “safe rooms” where throw pillows, cartoons, and puppies wait to comfort them. If our western academic values are to survive, we must rescue our schools from the regressive, left and its totalitarian war on freedom of speech.
One of the most egregious examples in recent memory comes from the University of Missouri, where student protesters- apparently motivated by the Black Lives Matter movement stood in the path of a professor’s car, moved into the bumper even as the car was slowly retreating and claimed to have been struck down by the vehicle. Even though the incident was caught on video, the claim was given an extraordinary amount of consideration on campus and in the news.
From the same school, we saw another group of protesters shove out two young journalists who were simply trying to record the event. The student protesters advanced on the journalist and told him he was invading their space. Again, it was caught on camera how aggressive and openly dishonest they were being. Shortly after that, a professor of media studies tried to snatch a journalist’s camera away from him and attempted to have him violently ejected.
Next, we have Christina Hoff Sommers of the American Enterprise Institute, and Janice Fiamengo from the University of Ottawa: two feminist scholars who have been violently protested against on college campuses for not being feminist enough.
They argue that the rape crisis we are told exists on college campuses is largely mythical, that males have been lagging behind in education for years, that the wage gap has been artificially inflated and that no serious economist supports it. These impressive women, both with considerable credentials as members of the feminist movement, have been called anti-woman, rape apologists, regressive, and worst of all conservative! Gasp!
And Sommers ‘triggers’ them. These students who seem to have no knowledge of Sommers have tried to block her from giving speeches at colleges and have had “Safe-rooms” set up replete with puppies, throw pillows, and cartoons to comfort them after Sommers Student opponents of Fiamengo’s history in the earlier days of the feminist cause.
They, in fact, seem to have no interest in history whatsoever. If they did, they might realize that this kind of ideological shaming and “phony morality” leading to the hostile take-over of institutions has been a mainline weapon of failed totalitarian regimes all throughout history… which call on the state to protect the people from an imagined threat.
We’ve already mentioned one example of the language of this new type of thought control: Triggering. Anything that makes someone feel bad is ‘triggering,’ and, therefore, violent. Disagreement is quickly sidelined as hostile and repressive.
Another catch phrase they use to shame almost anything they find unpleasant is the term, ‘micro-aggression.’ Almost anything can be a micro-aggression, like mistaking a Chinese person for a Japanese person is not an honest mistake- it’s a micro-aggression and can get someone reported to campus authorities.
Using terms like this to warp the language is transforming college campuses into unsafe spaces for honest debate, for male students, and anyone who resists the narrative.
Currently, it is possible for boys to be expelled if a female student only accuses him of rape- and with the definition of rape being rapidly expanded to include the male gaze- rapes on campus are becoming a very common form of micro-aggression. We ought to be reminded of the Duke University rape case which was resoundingly proven to be based on false accusations, where the Lacrosse team had their dorms trashed and their chances at an education nearly destroyed. They have received no apology.
We know things have gone too far when comedians like Chris Rock and Jerry Seinfeld are shying away from playing on college campuses because it’s just not fun anymore. I for one, am dismayed at this, but at least, they can afford to forgo these events. Conservative students, sadly- male students, the future of civil discourse and democracy cannot afford to lose their right to a safe space on college campuses.
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